Friday, December 28, 2012

Fancy Vintage Ladies Wearing Amazing Vintage Hats

Fancy Vintage Ladies Wearing Amazing Vintage Hats

Fancy Vintage Ladies Wearing Amazing Vintage Hats

The British may have the market cornered on fancy hats in 2011, but even they have nothing on these super fancy old-timey actresses.
Would that we were able to wear hats like this to work. If anything could make collating appealing it'd probably be an ornate crown.
And if not that, then a hat with horns! Oh, glorious horned hat, is there a wrong you couldn't right? Methinks not.
Aaaand talking about these hats is making me use words like 'methinks'. So I'll just stop right there.
Fancy Vintage Ladies Wearing Amazing Vintage Hats
Fancy Vintage Ladies Wearing Amazing Vintage Hats

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sinclair Treasures Jewellery

Unique New and Vintage Costume Jewellery                                                                                  

Visit Online Shop @

Visit my online shop and check out some great unique pieces of jewellery some being new and vintage pieces at great prices. Add extra items at no additional shipping cost to you . One  FLAT rate charge of $5.00 for any amount of items .
Please do not hesitate to contact me either before or after a purchase .

Coming in the New Year some great NEW Pieces and a brand new website that well be exciting .
I hope you stop by , sign up for a new account and I will send you a $5.00 OFF Gift certificate on any item in my online shop .

I try to seek out the most unique unusual pieces that I can find .
Orders are sent out in a timely fashion as I strive to ship within 1-2 days .

Also become a Fan stop by and check out  my FB Page

Yours Truly Peggy Sinclair Owner / Operator
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Anna Fearer: Paper Flower Tutorial & Giveaway!

Anna Fearer: Paper Flower Tutorial & Giveaway!: Thought I would share with you all a cute little project I made yesterday. Using my left overs from the layout I created the other day...